Accommodation Sector
Hotel Cooperations, alliances or simply join the booking platforms of the world - you know that it is not that easy. Of course, a rate management corresponding to season or market situation is mandatory, and so are regular investment in structures staff and services.

Still, there are yet a lot of decisions to make, and that frequently!
New accommodations in the region, may they be in the same league or simply add to the overall capacity, need awareness for responses.
Large city hotels, small country hotels, unique or standardized, you as accommodation expert might know even better than we that the accommodation business is extremely komplex and changing all the time.
As a long-term hotel partner from the touring trade, we know the Busines more from the customer side, both B2B and B2C, thus we still know enough about the requirements in different markets on hotels, camping, lodges or holiday villages.

Our strengths is to support small or specialized hotels, mixed business such as vineyard or theme hotels, where positioning and being unique in service and design make the difference.
Consequently, our services for lodging providers focus on the development of the product, the design, range of services and all that makes the place unique and comfortable as a true reflection of the destination. Of course, we also support concepts for service quality and promotion, define and create campaigns and communication with your target market.
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